DiponEd Institute of Regenerative Medicine
The health care ecosystem is going through a rapid transformation like never before. The medical science and clinical world is seeing concepts like Personalized Medicine , Precision Medicine and Regenerative Medicine rapidly becoming reality. DiponEdInstitute of Regenerative Medicine (DIRM),is committed to update the knowledge of the busy practitioners through a mix of compact accessible education program using virtual online and AR VR like platforms plus on-site lab and clinical trainings. DIRM also aims at creating basic medical and scientific level awareness, and skill development on latest Personalized health care technologies and treatments through its Participatory Medicine program. Our education program is aimed at advancing healthcare and medical sciences, while integrating latest knowledge from genetics, cellular biology, 3D printing, tissue engineering, proteomics, metabolomics, stem cell transplants, cancer immunotherapies, neoantigens, pharmacogenomics etc.
At DIRM we offer National & International University affiliated courses in Regenerative medicine and Personalized medicine to qualified surgeons / physicians. It has a very informative coverage on basics of transfusion and transplantation of human stem cells and other subject areas required for developing and running smart health care and personalized medicine, clinics.The institute is also offering skill development in Paramedical, Nursing, Medical lab technology, Clinical Research, IVF and laboratory QA/ QC, Diagnostics lab services etc. DIRM is the beginning of our journey in social health care awareness and medical education,and we aim at transforming it into a modern medical research university.
Regenerative Medicineis one of the newest and most powerful approaches in biomedical science;it offers the opportunity to experimentally approach previously intractable biological questions and develop cell-based therapeutics. Its represents the evolution of new treatment options of many unmet medical conditions and illnesses through tissue repair and replacement. The use of various adult cells, and stem cells har¬vested from the patients themselves are demonstrating extremely promis¬ing results in clinical trials and other studies. Referred to as stem-cell ther¬apies, or just cellular therapies, they involve taking stem cells from the body, culturing them, isolating them and putting them back into the body to induce tis¬sue to regrow. Many years of hard work and research are bearing fruit as clinical trials progress accord¬ing to scheduleglobally. We can be optimistic that novel therapies will soon make currently untreatable diseases and disorders treatable. It is important for clinicians to remain updated on the latest developments in the field of 3dprinting, tissue engineering, cellular transplants, their clinical implications and gear up as the next generation health care providers.
Researchers hope stem cells will one day be effective in the treatment of several medical conditions and diseases. But unproven stem cell treatments can be unsafe—so doctors and patients must get all of the facts before considering offering any treatment.Stem cells have been called everything from cure-alls to miracle treatments. DIRM offers to clear the hype through clinical and scientific updates and educating the stake holders of this field. Regenerative medicine has the potential to heal tissues and organs damaged by age, disease, or trauma, congenital defects etc. Recent preclinical and clinical data supports the possibility for treating both chronic diseases and acute insults, and abet maladies occurring across a wide array of indications in blood related diseases and disorders, including non-healing dermal wounds, diabetes, auto-immune conditions, infectious diseases, pulmonary diseases, male –, female- infertility, neuro- , ortho- , cartilage- degenerative conditions, cardiovascular diseases and traumas, treatments for certain types of cancer, and many more. The current therapy of transplantation of intact organs and tissues to treat organ and tissue failures and loss suffers from limited donor supply and often severe immune complications, but these obstacles may potentially be bypassed through the use of regenerative medicine strategies.
DiponEd is committed to creating grassroot level awareness on latest personalised health care technologies and treatments through its Participatory Medicine program. Our education program is aimed at advancing healthcare and medical sciences, while integrating latest knowledge from genetics, cellular biology, 3D printing, tissue engineering, proteomics, metabolomics, stem cell transplants, cancer immunotherapies, neoantigens, pharmacogenomics etc. At DIRM we offer National & International University affiliated courses in Regenerative medicine and personalized medicine to qualified surgeons / physicians. It has a very informative coverage on basics of transfusion and transplantation of human stem cells and other subject areas required for developing and running smart health care and personalized medicine, clinics.